Tantric Massage in Singapore

Our tantric massage therapy allows people to be able to experience pleasures that have never been experienced before with a loving touch.

Besides allowing men and women to connect on a more personal and spiritual level, it also is used to relieve stress. The basic principle that this practice works on is to free your mind of all worldly troubles and let the body take its natural course. The body heals itself naturally and hence allows you to de-stress yourself.

There are significant health benefits of tantra therapy; such as improving the body’s process of absorbing oxygen and allow it to absorb more oxygen and nutrients essential for living. It also improves circulation of lymph fluid which helps in detoxification of toxins and waste from the body.

The Tantra therapy is also known to improve any troubled relationships by opening and improving communication. Many people use tantra therapy for when they meet their better halves. The tantra practices bring couples together and increase the love they have for each other. It helps in building relationships that are in troubled waters. This bonding and connection occurs because it allows the mind to be free and people find themselves on a road to re-discovery. Since it also releases stress, couples are at their most relaxed during this kind of therapy aiding the healing process.

There are therapists who are trained in the teaching of tantra and by using various techniques they allow the human body to be relaxed and feel as good as new. Some of the practices they carry out are that of tantra meditation, lots of energy work as well as lingam and Yoni healing. These are perfect ways to remove stress form your body and discover yourself on a spiritual level.

What does our Tantra Massage feels like?

Divine, exquisite, magical and rejuvenating are all words used to describe a Tantra Massage. In the last decade, Tantra Massage have become immensely popular. Yet time and time again, people ask what is Tantra and what it feels like. As such, here is a look at one of the most popular massages in the world and what it feels like.

A tantra massage therapy makes you feels as if you are in another world where the limits of time and space do not exist. You will feel as if you have been suspended in space, frozen in time with nothing but tranquillity on your mind and pleasure coursing through your body.It truly feels that all your worldly troubles have suddenly vanished, leaving nothing but absolute peace and happiness.

Tantra massage therapy last between 1 and 2 hours and usually take place at a location of your choice.As such, you are free to choose the place that makes you feel most comfortable. This helps improve the experience as you become more open to the ways of Tantra.

Your therapist will slowly caress every fibre in your very being, sending pulse after blissful pulse of pure pleasure and relaxation through your body. She will numb your mind to all the pain and hardships of the world. She will make you surrender your very being to her, allowing her to remodel and remake you into a perfect being.

By the end of the massage, you will feel a sense of joy, fulfilment and ecstasy that you never thought exited. Your whole body will feel as if every trace of pain has suddenly vanished. You will be left suspended in a wonderful aura that will leave your mind sharper, your body better and your soul stronger than ever before.

To make it simple, a tantra massage will make you feel as if you are a diving being, a man ready to take the challenges of the world head on like never before.